Friday, November 20, 2009

Chick With Sword

I don’t have a name for this one so, "Chick With Sword," will have to do for now. Most of my sketches are done on 8 1/2 x 11 paper. That size doesn’t leave a lot of room for detail work, but I can get a rough idea of how I want the character to look.

There are a couple of places that the anatomy isn't exactly right. I didn't really try to fix them. I don’t like to erase when I'm just sketching out ideas. I would actually rather start a new drawing than do a lot of erasing.

The hardest part of creating characters, at least for me, is the clothing. I've always had a hard time with creating the types of clothes they wear, making the accessories dangle just right, and I dont even want to talk about drapery. It makes me wish I had payed more attention in art class.

Still, drawing has always been fun for me and I want to continually improve. I welcome honest critiques and try to learn something from every drawing. Until next time.


  1. what about something like yvonna, the braided warrior, just a thought! or something like

  2. -Regardless of the drawing space you are given, you still have amazing detail.

  3. I took this image and started adding color... your cross hatching makes it really easy. Would love to work on one that was inked. I'm still learning and have a long ways to go... but its great practice for painting using your cross hatching as color guides.

    I didn't spend much time on the hair... if I were going to work on it I would use mograph or C4D ... but just for basic color I thought it wasn't a bad start.
