Friday, December 11, 2009


This is a quick gesture drawing, one of my favorite stages of drawing, frolicking around the page like an elephant in the snow. Ok, bad example, but it’s a lot of fun and takes less than thirty seconds. It beats blind contour drawings any day.

It was very light so all of the line work didn’t show up when I scanned it. But, I think you can see where it all begins to take shape.

I have had a lot of down time the last few weeks, so I’ve had the time to spend on my drawing. Even though it has only been a couple of weeks I can tell my drawing is improving every day. Well, back to the board.


  1. -Very very nice Sir. Does she have a staff in her hand? She's sassy.

  2. Yeah, probably a staff. I wont know for sure until i finish her.

  3. -I like this stage of drawing as well. I'm excited to see her finished.

    We see a lot of elephants frolicking around in the snow up here.
